Principal’s Welcome
I would like to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to all members of our St. Patrick’s Primary School family. It is with great pride that I lead our school, a vibrant community that thrives on the values of faith, love, and learning.
Our motto—Living, Loving, and Learning in Christ—serves as the foundation for all that we do at St. Patrick’s. It is a constant reminder of the values we strive to live out each day: to live with integrity and purpose, to love one another with kindness and respect, and to learn with curiosity and determination in the light of our Catholic faith.
We believe that the key to success lies in strong partnerships, especially with our parents and the wider community. At St. Patrick’s, we encourage active engagement and collaboration because we know that when we work together, we create the best possible learning environment for our students.
Our mission is to nurture the academic, spiritual, and personal growth of every child who enters our school. We are committed to providing a safe, happy, and enriching school experience, where each child is given the support and opportunities to reach their full potential. By continuing to work in partnership with families, we aim to ensure that every student is not only prepared for the future but also inspired by it.
As we look to the future, we remain focused on growth—both individually and as a community—while always holding the well-being and learning outcomes of our students at the core of all that we do.
I am excited for the year ahead and the many opportunities we will have to live, love, and learn together.
Thank you for being a part of our wonderful faith community.
Arn Gorman
Principal St Patrick’s Wangaratta

Acknowledgment of Country
St Patrick’s Primary School would like to acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the Yorta Yorta Nation on which our school is situated.
St Patrick’s Primary School is committed to the safety, participation and empowerment of all children.
Child Safe Statement
The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a central and fundamental responsibility of Catholic education in the Sandhurst Diocese.
Catholic school communities place the highest priority on the care, wellbeing and protection of children and young people. Founded in Christ and sustained by faith, Catholic schools seek to fulfil their mission of enabling each student to come into the fullness of their own humanity. This includes promoting the inherent dignity of children and young people, and their fundamental right to be respected, nurtured and safeguarded by all.
Catholic Education Sandhurst is committed to the wellbeing and protection of all children and complying with Ministerial Order No. 870: Child Safe Standards – Managing the Risk of Child Abuse in Schools, and following the Victorian Child Safe Standards.
Supporting an absolute commitment to child safety, Catholic Education Sandhurst continues to work closely with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA), the Department of Education and Training (DET), and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to improve child protection through the promotion and implementation of the Victorian compulsory minimum Child Safe Standards and other relevant legislative obligations emanating from recommendations associated with the:
- Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
- Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and Other Organisations which culminated in the report titled Betrayal of Trust.